
Welcome to Kid’s Corner! Visit here to learn more about the amazing animals you love to write about. Find out crazy animal information in the Fun Facts that can be found throughout the Dynamite website. Check back regularly! As more young writers like you write more books, we’ll be adding new animals and games… Share and Enjoy!


Step 1- Choose one of the animal cards from below and be inspired to write a story! Let your imagination run wild and free. 
Step 2- Find a pencil / paper and a quiet place where you can begin your animal adventure!  Things to remember: Title of story, you’re name, date, and your animal card number. 
Step 3- Once you’re done writing make sure you read your story and ask someone to help you edit it for spelling and grammar.
Step 4- You can add some drawings if you like to help support the telling of your story. 
Step 5- Read you’re story a few times by yourself to get familiar with the words. Then once your comfortable you can read it to you family and friends.
Step 6- If you want to share your story online please ask a parent to help you. You can send it to [email protected] and we will share it online to help inspire other children just like you!!!
Step 7- PARENTS please visit   in here you will find an online parental consent form to sign. This will allow us to legally share your child’s story. We will NOT share without your consent.
Fun Facts
Another amazing fact about woodpeckers is that pecking of trees for the whole day does not cause any pain to them! They have special air pockets in their brains which prevents feeling of pain reaching the brain!

Reload the page for another fun fact!

Come meet some of the most amazing creatures… Ever!





Sea Creatures


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